January 16, 2008



The Town of Macedon Zoning Board of Appeals meeting was held on Wednesday, January 16, 2008, at the Town Complex, 32 Main Street, Macedon, NY.   Present were Chairman Warren Jeffries and members Carl Eligh, John Gravino, Charles Packard and Ronald Santovito.  Also present were Councilman David McEwen, Code Enforcement Officer Michael Nelson and Board Clerk Susan Bush.


Mr. Jeffries called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  He then explained the purpose for which this Board serves and read the Legal Notice as it appeared in the Times.





Z-19-07 – Oswald – 102 Wilkinson Road – Area Variance – Section 135-64-J-1 – In-law addition larger than allowed by Code – Applicants Joelene & Darren Oswald were present to explain their application.  They would like to convert their present garage into living space plus approximately 1100 sq. ft. of new space as an in-law addition for Mrs. Oswald’s parents.  A new garage would also be constructed to accommodate both families’ vehicles.  The addition would be one story over a crawl space.  Existing home is 1500± sq. ft. and shares a driveway with the neighboring property.  Mr. Santovito questioned the need for a separate variance/building permit for the new garage.  Mr. Nelson explained this would all be part of the same project and included in one building permit.  Victor Foti, contractor for the applicant, reviewed the plans with the Board members.  Frank Mulley, who would occupy the addition, was also present to speak in favor of the variance.


·        Planning Board – Positive referral.

·        Town Board – Concurred with Planning Board recommendation.

·        SEQR – Not required at Appeals level.

·        Wayne County Planning Board – Referral has been made; will be

      acted upon at the County’s January meeting.


There was no one else present to speak for or against the granting of this variance.





Z-19-07 – Oswald – 102 Wilkinson Road – Area Variance – Section 135-64-J-1 – In-law addition larger than allowed by Code – Discussion deferred until 02-20-08 meeting to allow for Wayne County Planning Board input.







A motion to approve the 10-17-07 minutes was made by John Gravino, seconded by Ron Santovito.  All in favor; minutes approved.


A motion to approve the 12-19-07 minutes was made by Carl Eligh, seconded by Ron Santovito.  All in favor; minutes approved.





A motion to adjourn was made by John Gravino, seconded by Charles Packard.  All in favor; meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Susan Bush

Clerk to the Board