May 15, 2017




PRESENT:  Chairman Doug Allen and members Suzanne Airy, Mert Bartels, Tom Morrison and Greg Whitney.  Also present was Board Clerk Susan Bush.  Absent were Mark McEwen, Kevin Rooney, Town Councilman David McEwen and Town Engineer Scott Allen.


Chairman Allen called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.




PB-04-17 – Wyman – 3125 Kittering Road – Three-lot realty subdivision & residential site plans – Preliminary & final – Don Lewis of A.E.Y. Engineering was present on behalf of the applicant.  The public hearing for this application was held on 05-01-17.  At that time a resident expressed concern regarding drainage.  The Town Highway Superintendent has visited the site and indicated the Town will be digging out the ditch on Furman and adding rip rap.  He will also work on a plan to further address the drainage in this area.  A motion for negative SEQR declaration was made by Tom Morrison, seconded by Suzanne Airy.  All in favor (McEwen & Rooney absent); motion carried.  A motion to grant preliminary and final approval for this three-lot subdivision and residential site plans was made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Greg Whitney.  All in favor (McEwen & Rooney absent); motion carried.




A motion to approve the 05-01-17 minutes was made by Suzanne Airy, seconded by Mert Bartels.  All in favor (McEwen & Rooney absent); minutes approved.




A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Suzanne Airy.  All in favor (McEwen & Rooney absent); meeting adjourned at 7:40 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Susan Bush

Clerk to the Board