February 8, 2016



PRESENT:  Vice Chairman Mert Bartels and members Suzanne Airy, Kevin Rooney and Greg Whitney.  Also present were Town Engineer Scott Allen and Board Clerk Susan Bush.  Absent were Doug Allen, Mark McEwen, Tom Morrison and Town Councilman David McEwen.


Vice Chairman Bartels called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.  A motion to waive reading the Legal Notice was made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Greg Whitney.  All in favor (Allen, McEwen, Morrison absent); motion carried.




PB-01-16 – Clark – Route 350 – Residential site plan (duplex) – A motion to open the public hearing was made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Greg Whitney.  All in favor (Allen, McEwen, Morrison absent); motion carried.  Mike Greene, Greene Land Surveying, was present on behalf of the applicant.  There was no one else present to speak for or against the application.  A motion to close the public hearing was made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Greg Whitney.  All in favor (Allen, McEwen, Morrison absent); motion carried.




PB-01-16 – Clark – Route 350 – Residential site plan (duplex) – Preliminary & final – Mike Greene of Greene Land Surveying reviewed the application.  This property previously received sketch plan approval for a single-family home (PB-15-09).  The present owner is selling the property, and the new owners would like to build a duplex as an income property.  The Town Engineer submitted an engineering review letter (02-08-16) to Greene Land Surveying itemizing requested modifications to the plan.  A motion for negative SEQR declaration was made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Suzanne Airy.  All in favor (Allen, McEwen, Morrison absent); motion carried.  A motion was made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Greg Whitney, to grant preliminary & final approval for this residential site plan (duplex), subject to modifications requested in the 02-08-16 Town Engineer’s letter.  All in favor (Allen, McEwen, Morrison absent); motion carried.




PB-15-15 – Waste Management – Quaker Road – Grading/fill – Town Engineer Scott Allen distributed a draft letter dated 02-08-16 addressed to the applicant regarding the scope and implementation of this project.  Mr. Allen requested input from the Board members about any additional points which were not addressed in his draft.  Copies of the letter were also given to members of the Town Board, the Town Attorney and the applicant.




New Meeting Schedule – The revised meeting schedule was distributed to the Board members.  The new schedule will go into effect in March.




A motion to approve the 01-25-16 minutes was made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Greg Whitney.  All in favor (Allen, McEwen, Morrison absent); minutes approved.




A motion to adjourn the meeting was made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Suzanne Airy.  All in favor (Allen, McEwen, Morrison absent); meeting adjourned at 7:59 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Susan Bush

Clerk to the Board