March 28, 2011




PRESENT:  Chairman Doug Allen, members Suzanne Airy, Mert Bartels, Mark McEwen, Tom Morrison, Kevin Rooney and Greg Whitney.  Also present were Town Councilman David McEwen (via Skype), Town Engineer Scott Allen and Board Clerk Susan Bush.




PB-03-11 – DeHollander – Chesterwood Drive – 3-lot subdivision & residential site plans – Developer Scott DeHollander was present to review this application with the Board.  Mr. DeHollander began the Chesterwood project in 2005 when he purchased and merged three existing parcels into a 24.5 acre lot.  Phase 1 was the subdivision of three lots along Pannell Road and a general plan for the remainder of the parcel (six lots), including stormwater easements, ponds, drainage and road.  In 2006, Phase 2 was approved for three large lots vs. original six with a town-dedicated rural road.  Since that time the Town has taken dedication of the road (Chesterwood Drive), and two of the lots have been sold.  Mr. DeHollander now proposes subdividing the remaining 8.5 acre lot into three smaller lots of 2 acres, 2.46 acres and 4.0+ acres.  Each lot will have its own driveway.  Water service will be available from an existing main that extends from Pannell Road to a hydrant on Chesterwood.  Septic systems will be installed for each residence.  Erosion control and SWPPP previously issued and noted on the plan.  Each lot will drain toward the road.  The existing catch basin on Lot 4 will be lowered and the swale deepened.  An erosion control sheet has been added to the plan bringing the project in line with current standards.  Board members asked that at least 30 ft. of existing trees be retained as a buffer along the southern boundary of Lot 4.  Mr. DeHollander stated he will add a note to the plan.  He also said he is working with a local firm for the build-out of the lots and will be establishing a minimum price point.  The public hearing will be held on April 11th.




PB-01-11 – Beckenbach – 1116 Route 31 – Site plan – Latest building elevations were reviewed.  Town Engineer will contact applicant regarding possible changes on front and west facades.




A motion to approve the 03-14-11 minutes was made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Doug Allen.  All in favor; minutes approved.






A motion to adjourn was made by Tom Morrison, seconded by Suzanne Airy.  All in favor; meeting adjourned at 8:15 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,




Susan Bush

Clerk to the Board