October 10, 2005


PRESENT: Chairman Doug Allen, members Mert Bartels, Mark McEwen, Tom Morrison and Kevin Rooney. Also present was Councilman Ken Nawrocki. Absent were Tom Ferreri, Brian Gagne and Town Engineer Scott Allen.

Chairman Allen called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m. Motion made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Kevin Rooney, to waive reading the legal notice as it appeared in the Times. All in favor; motion carried.



PB-13-05 - Warters - Victor Road - Single-family residential site plan - Motion to open the public hearing made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Mert Bartels. All in favor; motion carried. There was no one present to speak for or against this application. Motion to close the public hearing made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Mert Bartels. All in favor; motion carried.

PB-14-05 - Waterford Land Development LLC (Hidden Woods Section 1) - Wayneport Road - Realty subdivision & residential site plans - 15 lots - Motion to open the public hearing made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Kevin Rooney. All in favor; motion carried. Bob Cantwell, BME Associates, was present on behalf of the applicant. There was no one else present to speak for or against this application. Motion made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Mert Bartels, to close the public hearing. All in favor; motion carried.



PB-14-05 - Waterford Land Development LLC (Hidden Woods Section 1) - Wayneport Road - Realty subdivision & residential site plans - 15 lots - Discussion deferred until next meeting to allow time for additional research into sewer easements for the existing houses along Wayneport Road.

PB-05-05 - Hartnagel/LNB Enterprises - 2520 Route 31 - Site plan - Mini-storage building - James & Elaine Hartnagel were present to request approval of this application. April Planning Board notes were reviewed. Conditions placed at that time were: (1) Completion of the current phase per plan (fencing, landscaping, screening of outside storage); (2) Details on retaining wall; (3) Delineation of outside storage; (4) Landscaping plan for screening. Mrs. Hartnagel stated the retaining wall was no longer required due to adequate distance between the proposed building and the creek and would be removed from the plan. Fencing has been completed along the front and east sides of the property. The back and west end would be left open to allow for grading during construction of the second building, and completed at the end of the project. The gate has not been installed, but a chain link gate is planned with a bar gate used during winter months to facilitate snowplowing. Arborvitaes have been planted along the front and will be continued to the east.

The proposed second building will be identical to the first (20 units). The Hartnagels intend having a U-Haul truck rental facility, which would mean 4-5 vehicles (trucks & trailers) being stored on the property. The need for a Special Use permit was raised, as well as the need for additional screening around the U-Haul area. The Hartnagels did not foresee a need for additional signs related to the U-Haul business, but if required, they would be installed per Town Code.

The Board requested a revised site plan showing what has been completed and what is planned, including the changes discussed (retaining wall, landscaping, gate & drainage).

PB-13-05 - Warters - Victor Road - Single-family residential site plan - Preliminary & final - Discussion deferred to next meeting.



Motion made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Kevin Rooney, to approve the 9-26-05 minutes. All in favor; motion carried.



Motion to adjourn made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Kevin Rooney. All in favor; meeting adjourned at 8:14 p.m.


Respectfully submitted,



Susan Bush

Clerk to the Board