March 14, 2005

PRESENT: Chairman Doug Allen, members Tom Ferreri, Mark McEwen, Tom Morrison and Kevin Rooney. Also present were Councilman Ken Nawrocki and Town Engineer Scott Allen. Absent were Mert Bartels and Brian Gagne.

Chairman Allen called the meeting to order at 7:33 p.m. Motion made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Tom Ferreri, to waive reading the legal notice as it appeared in the Times. All in favor; motion carried.


PB-02-05 – Lanni – Magog Road – One-lot realty subdivision – Motion to open the public hearing made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Tom Ferreri. All in favor; motion carried. David Lanni was present to explain his application. No one else was present to speak for or against this application. Motion to close the public hearing made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Tom Ferreri. All in favor; motion carried.



PB-02 – Lanni – Magog Road – One-lot realty subdivision – This is the subdivision/sale of property between adjoining neighbors. Lanni's subdivided parcel will be combined with parcel of Coomber. Motion for negative SEQR declaration made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Tom Ferreri. All in favor; motion carried. Motion to grant approval of one-lot realty subdivision made by Kevin Rooney, seconded by Tom Ferreri. All in favor; motion carried.



Baldwin-Richardson Foods – Building expansion – Chris Kulp of Baldwin-Richardson Foods was present to explain their proposal for additional storage space. Addition will house bulk tanks; exterior of building will match current façade. Proposed expansion (southwest corner) will result in loss of 3-4 parking spaces and 3 motorcycle spaces. Overall site plan will be revised to reflect the changes. Board consensus was to handle this through regular building permit process including a revised site plan.



PB-31-04 – Wal-Mart Supercenter/APD Engineering – Route 31 – Retail site plan & realty subdivision – Present on behalf of the applicant were Neal Madden of Harter, Secrest & Emery, Todd Markevicz of APD Engineering, and Doug McCord of McCord Landscape Architecture. Mr. Madden then reviewed changes made in the site plan since their last appearance at the Planning Board.

Verbal agreement has been reached with adjoining property owner to move the dedicated roadway to the north. This increases building setback to 46 ft. from previously proposed 34 ft. The Zoning Board of Appeals has reviewed requested setback variances, but will not render a decision until SEQR is resolved. Front entrance to parking lot has been changed as requested, and a second landscaping island has been added.

According to Mr. Markevicz, APD Engineering has met with the NYS Power Authority to define the guidelines for work within the power line easement; i.e., footprint of dedicated roadway, roadway lighting, allowable height of poles and/or plantings and acceptable materials. APD will follow up with the Power Authority to resolve outstanding issues.

Trailer and pallet storage areas were discussed. Current proposal shows 10 ft. chain link fence with vinyl slats and exterior plantings. Scott Allen would like to see trailer storage area moved to the east to allow more distance from the roadway. Tom Morrison suggested decorative block walls would not deteriorate as quickly as fencing with slats.

Roadway and parking lot lighting were discussed. Route 31 neighbors are concerned about this aspect of the project. Tom Morrison suggested light pole height be reduced to 35 ft. in the parking lot (height of building). Fixtures will be "shoe box" type, which focuses light downward, not out to the sides. A full lighting plan was requested for review at the next meeting.

Doug McClure reviewed the landscaping plan. Larger deciduous trees have been added along Route 31, interspersed with clumps of evergreens, flowering trees and shrubs. The gas station will have similar plantings. A second landscape island has been added to the parking lot. There will be a maintenance agreement for landscaping once the store has been opened. Mark McEwen asked about foundation plantings along the front of the building. Mr. McClure explained such plantings pose a safety hazard for trips/falls by pedestrians.

Final design of gas station will depend on the operator. Concerns included canopy height, canopy lighting & overall design.

Sewer pump station and generator were discussed.

Needed for next meeting: (1) Full set of up-to-date plans for Town Engineer's review; (2) Pump station detail; (3) Highway impacts; (4) Sample board of materials; (5) Plan for handling gas station; (5) Newest elevations (Ray Trotta, Bergmann Associates to attend meeting); (6) Graphics for pylon sign.

Board members then reviewed the SEQR Assessment Form for items requiring more documentation.



Motion to approve the 2-28-05 minutes made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Mark McEwen. All in favor; minutes approved.



Motion to adjourn made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Mark McEwen. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 a.m.

Respectfully submitted,



Susan Bush

Clerk to the Board