MEMBERS PRESENT included: Chairman Doug Allen, Mert Bartels, Tom Morrison, Tom Ferreri, Brian Gagne and Kevin Rooney. Also present was Town Engineer / Zoning Officer, Scott Allen and Town Councilman, Ken Nawrocki. Absent was member Howard Jordan.
Chairman, Doug Allen, called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.
Borkhuis - Evergreen Hill Self Storage / Evergreen Hill / 1 Lot Subdivision
and Site Plan / Preliminary and Final
Doug Allen explained that this application addressed two separate issues
1) the realty subdivision and 2) the site plan for the storage facility.
Doug stated that the applicant has requested that the realty subdivision
be addressed this evening for final approval so that he can proceed with
purchasing the land. Dave Matthews stated that Gananda Partnership
owns this 57 acres parcel and Gary is to purchase approximately 6.4 acres
that is to be divided off. Tom Ferreri questioned if the lands to
the east were designated wetlands. Dave Matthews explained that the
wetlands were East of the powerline easement, the easement is approximately
300' wide so this application will have no concerns with encroachment or
run-off. Scott Allen stated that there were no engineering concerns
with the subdivision. A motion to grant a negative declaration on
the SEQR for this realty subdivision was made by Mert Bartels, seconded
by Brian Gagne, all in favor. A motion to grant realty subdivision
approval as shown on the presented map was made by Tom Ferreri, seconded
by Kevin Rooney, all in favor.
Doug Allen explained that the site plan portion of this application still has some unresolved issues. The board is waiting for a clarification from the Town Attorney concerning the Salvage/Recycling law and how it relates to this application and a clarification of the term "sole convenience". Doug explained that the planning board is not the correct party to make these interpretations. A motion to table this application until information is received from the attorney was made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Mert Bartels, all in favor.
Liebert / 2984 Weidrick Rd / 1 Lot Site Plan
Scott Allen explained that this was a site plan for a single-family
residence, approximately 2900 S.F., on Weidrick Rd. Brian Gagne questioned
if there was adequate sight distance to the East from the driveway due
to the crest and curve in the road. Tom Morrison stated that the
applicant should show where the house and driveway was located on the opposite
side of the road from the proposed driveway due to lights. Kevin
Rooney noted that he works with this applicant and it is his understanding
that this applicant has no intent to further develop any of this area.
Kevin stated that the applicant currently has horses that he boards elsewhere
and wanted to be in the Gananda School District.
John Schweiger / 3169 Mill Rd / Area Variance - Section 135-61-B-5 /
Request to build an accessory structure in the front yard area with an
81' front setback
Scott Allen stated that this applicant had a previously denied variance
application and has submitted a new request with a changed configuration
requiring less of a variance. Doug Allen questioned if this structure
could go anywhere else. Tom Morrison questioned if the setbacks shown
on the map were correct. Scott stated that he was not sure about
the setbacks. Brian Gagne questioned the intent of use for this structure.
Scott Allen explained that it would be a workshop to refinish furniture.
He also explained that Secore did the plan and dimensioning for the applicant
and the hatched areas are the actual way the house was built. Scott
also explained that the septic is on the other side of the house.
Tom Morrison questioned how far from the creek the proposed structure would
be. Scott stated that it would 50', which is what the code allows
and the intent of the structure will be questioned at the ZBA. Tom
Morrison stated that he didn't think this was a good location for this
structure, he thought the applicant would be better off adding on to the
existing garage which would require less of a variance. He also questioned
the height, the drawing states 18', however, the structure according to
code should not be taller than the house with a 16' limit. Brian
stated that he did not have enough information to give a positive recommendation
on this application, his recommendation would either be no comment or negative.
Kevin Rooney stated that there were several issues and this should be reviewed
further. The board, as a whole, gave a negative recommendation on
this application due to lack of information.
Brownstone Physical Therapy / 1900 Route 31 - West Wayne Plaza / Area
Variance - Section 135-191-C-1 (as modified by 4-21-98 Zoning Board of
Appeals decision) / Request to install a business identification sign on
the building façade between the Pal-Mac Medical Center and Macedon
Veterinary Signs
Scott Allen explained that in 1998, when the plaza was refaced with
green awnings, the Zoning Board of Appeals granted a blanket variance for
the signs. The variance allows 2 SF per linear foot of building frontage;
however, Brownstone is located behind Pal-Mac Medical and does not have
building frontage. Brownstone is proposing to a sign similar to the
other signs to be located between the two existing signs on the building
façade. Scott explained that this sign will also need planning
board approval due to the multiple businesses. The colors proposed
for this sign are dark green and white to match the existing signs.
Tom Morrison felt that as long as this sign was similar to the existing
signs in color, style and size than it would be fine. Mert Bartels
stated that the sign should be hung at the same level as the existing signs.
The board gave a positive recommendation for this application stating that
the sign should match the existing signs.
David Morrison / 846 Macedon Center Road (Alpco) / Request for an interpretation
of Town Code Section 135-187 in relation to the issuing of a Special Use
Permit for operation at the above location
Doug Allen stated that the Planning Board did not make interpretations
of the code, they were there to enforce it as it is written. Doug
explained that this application has been given to the Town Attorney for
review and the board made no comment on this application at this time.
A motion to approve the minutes dated February 252002 was made by Mert
Bartels, seconded by Kevin Rooney, Tom Morrison and Tom Ferreri abstained,
all in favor. Minutes dated March 11, 2002 are not ready for review
yet; they will be presented at the next meeting.
Scott Allen told the board that the Zoning Board tabled the ZBA application
for Rock-N-Wash. The Zoning Board requested that the utilities are
staked out and Scott is working on obtaining plans from Costich Engineering
for Brixton Drive. This application will be reviewed again next month
at the Zoning Board meeting. The ZBA applications for Dyes and Young
were both approved. Macedon Hills withdrew their ZBA application.
Scott reminded the board that there was a PRC meeting scheduled for Wednesday, March 27 at 8am, anyone was welcome to attend. Scott reviewed that PRC agenda and gave a quick update on the Gananda Partnership, Hance Rd application. Scott stated that the pipe has been paid for, the letter of credit has been submitted and reviewed. The letter of credit is acceptable at this point; the money will not actually be transferred until just before the grading permit is issued. The foundation of the barn has been buried and the light shields are installed. Carl Eligh noted that the two of the shields are out of adjustment and need to be looked at. Scott explained that the applicant still needs to obtain a DEC permit; Scott thought that application was close to the thirty-day comments period and it would be at least a month before a decision was made. Scott stated that we are also still waiting for plans showing the connection of the road into Walworth; the Walworth Building and Zoning Office has also requested this information from the applicant. The applicant still needs to submit plans for the resolution of the drainage issues located at and near Ken Nawrocki's driveway. The traffic lights requested are being discussed.
Kevin Rooney stated that he was surprised at the number of 911 calls to Evergreen Hills that were discussed at the last meeting. Scott stated that under the SEQR process the review of impact on Town services is done. Ken Nawrocki shared some numbers from the Town of Macedon monthly police report. The numbers he shared were town wide. Kevin stated that he just thought these numbers were high and this may be a future trouble spot in the town. Carl Eligh asked if speed bumps would ever be placed on Evergreen Hill. Scott Allen stated that the Town does not have speed bumps anywhere. Carl also stated that he has never seen a police officer patrol Hance Rd. The planning board responded that this was not a planning issue. A resident asked if a streetlight, not a traffic light, would ever be placed at the corner of Hance Rd and Route 31F. She was told that she could petition the Town Board with this request.
Scott Allen also updated that board on Aurora Development's application for East Ave. He stated that he requested the Town Attorney to give a definition of caretakers residence for this and future applications. Scott also told the board that this application will be back for approval most likely in May and he has asked that applicant to prepare a long Environmental Assessment Form.
Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer Habecker