Planning Board Minutes
October 22, 2001

Present:  Scott Allen, Doug Allen, Tom Morrison, Tom Ferreri, Brian Gagne, Town Councilman Bill Hammond and MRB agent Mike Boesel.  Absent were Planning Board Members Howard Jordan and Mert Bartels, also absent was Code Enforcement Officer Mario Fioravanti.

Chairman, Scott Allen at 7:34pm, called the meeting to order.


Fleischer's Bagels / 1688 N Wayneport Rd / SEQR Review
Scott Allen explained to the board that this previously approved application required a long EAF form versus the SEQR that was completed at time of approval.  A coordinated review has been done with all involved parties and the long form was presented for approval.  A motion to rescind the preliminary and final approval from the Planning Board meeting held August 13, 2001 was made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Tom Morrison, all in favor.  A motion to rescind the negative declaration made on the short SEQR form on August 13, 2001 was made by Brian Gagne, seconded by Tom Ferreri, all in favor.  Scott Allen made a motion "Having determined that the proposed action is a Type I under SEQR and having followed all the required procedures for a Type I Action under SEQR the Macedon Planning Board acting as Lead Agency for the project has reviewed the plans and supporting documentation for the project and has determined that the Fleischers Building expansion and associated improvements will not have a significant adverse impact on the environment and a Negative Declaration will be issued", the motion was seconded by Brian Gagne, all in favor.  A motion was made by Doug Allen to grant preliminary and final approval for the expansion of Fleischer's Bagels in accordance with the conditions given on August 13, 2001; the motion was seconded by Tom Ferreri, all in favor.  The conditions from August 13, 2001 include approval from the Power Authority for work to be done within the easement, MRB review of the detention facility and the grading plan, subject to all MRB comments, verification by Mario of the adequacy of the hydrants according to code 1060.6, and the provision of a designated parking area for tractor trailer truck parking.

Rider / Turner Rd / Road Dedication
This application was tabled at the September 24, 2001 Planning Board Meeting.  Updated plans have been submitted showing details for road construction to town code.  MRB and the Highway Superintendent have reviewed this and everything seems to be in order.  A motion was made by Tom Ferreri to accept this revision to the final plan for road dedication as shown on the map, seconded by Tom Morrison, all in favor.


Crippen / Yellow Mills Rd / 2 Lot Realty Subdivision

Littlefield / 2364 Canandaigua Rd / 2 Lot Realty Subdivision

Dailey / Barnes Rd / 1 Lot Site Plan

Winston Handy Inc. / Quaker Rd / Subdivision and Site Plan


John Schweiger / 3169 Mill Rd / Area Variance - Section 135-61-B-5 / Pole barn located in front of the residence and closer to the front setback than allowed by town code
From the application presented, the Planning Board could not determine the true variance of the setback requirement being asked for and therefor did not comment.


July 9, 2001 A motion to approve the minutes dated July 9, 2001 with noted corrections was made by Scott Allen, seconded by Tom Ferreri, all in favor.

August 13, 2001 A motion to approve the minutes dated August 13, 2001 with noted corrections was made by Scott Allen, seconded by Tom Ferreri, all in favor.

September 10, 2001 A motion to approve the minutes dated September 10, 2001 with noted corrections was made by Scott Allen, seconded by Tom Ferreri, all in favor.

September 24, 2001 A motion to approve the minutes dated September 24, 2001 with noted corrections was made by Scott Allen, seconded by Brian Gagne, all in favor.


Mario Fioravanti asked that the board review the proposed change to the Burger King Signs per the application presented.  The planning board felt this was insignificant and it was unnecessary for them to take action.

Scott Allen presented a 90-day extension proposal that was sent to Bill Hammond concerning the Waterford Custom Homes rezoning application.  Scott also stated that a formal presentation was asked for concerning a connection to Carlson Lane.

Scott Allen reviewed an email sent to him from Tony Villani concerning farming and local zoning laws.

Bill Hammond updated the planning board on the budget hearing that was held stating that the Planning Board members were to receive a 3% increase.  He also stated that the board has placed a spending freeze and any expenditures would need prior approval by the Town Board.

A motion to adjourn at 8:59pm was made by Doug Allen, seconded by Scott Allen, all in favor.

Minutes respectfully submitted by Jennifer Habecker