Planning Board Minutes
July 9, 2001

Present:  Scott Allen, Doug Allen, Tom Ferreri, Mert Bartels, Howard Jordan, Tom Morrison, Howard Jordan, Code Enforcement Officer Mario Fioravanti. Town Board Member Bill Hammond and MRB agent Mike Boesel.

Chairman, Scott Allen at 7:30pm, called the meeting to order.  A motion was made by Tom Ferreri to wave the reading of the public notice as it appeared in the Times, seconded by Howard Jordan, all in favor.


Daly / Barnes Rd / Realty Subdivision / Final
Motion to open the public hearing was made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Howard Jordan, all in favor.  Dave Matthews was present to represent Bob Sealy for this application.  No one else was present to speak for or against this application.

Valentine / 2263 Quaker Rd / Realty Subdivision / Final
Motion to open the public hearing was made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Howard Jordan, all in favor.  Mr. Ronald Valentine was present to represent this application.  No one else was present to speak for or against this application.

Frost / Barnes Rd / 1 Lot Subdivision and Site Plan / Preliminary and Final
Motion to open this public hearing was made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Mert Bartels, all in favor.  Dave Matthews was present in representation of Bob Sealy for this application.

All Public Hearings are closed.


McPherson / 2258 Route 350 / Fill Permit
Mr. Donald McPherson was not present.  Application Tabled.

Norm Soucy / Route 31 / Final Site Plan Approval Lot AR-1-3
Mr. Anthony LaFay, attorney for Norm Soucy, was present to address the board.  He presented a draft of the CPS-7 form required and stated that it will be filed within the next week or so after review with neighbors.  A copy was submitted for Mr. Soucy’s file.  Allen Vespucci and Ralph and Mary Gerner were present and asked the board why the CPS-7 form was required.  They also stated that they had concerns with not being informed as to the requirements by the board.  Scott Allen briefly explained how the homeowner’s association law worked.  Norm Soucy claimed that he was unaware until two weeks ago.  The past planning board minutes, however, state that this has been a requirement for this subdivision.  Anthony LaFay continued by stating that each of the property owners would pay 1/6 of the maintenance costs.  It was also discussed that the road name would be changed and new house numbers would be assigned due to 911 requirements.  Again the bordering residences stated that they were not informed.  Howard Jordan explained how private drives differ from dedicated roads and stated that school buses would not go on a private drive.  It was stated that the engineer review comments from MRB in a memo dated May 7, 2001 need to be addressed for approval.  SEQR was presented without negative impacts.  A motion to grant a negative declaration on the SEQR was made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Doug Allen, all in favor.  A motion to grant final approval contingent on all MRB comments being met and the submission of proof of filing the CPS-7 form was made by Tom Morrison, seconded by Howard Jordan, all in favor.

McPherson / 2258 Route 350 / Fill Permit
Mr. Donald McPherson and Dave Matthews were present to address the board.  Dave presented a plan for the fill permit on Route 350 under the power lines.  Subdivision approval for this property was granted in 1999 and fill is needed for the planting of the Christmas Trees proposed in that subdivision.  The Code Enforcement Officer stopped the fill from being brought in due to lack of a fill permit.  After the fill is completed the existing topsoil will be spread.  The power line people are concerned with the clearance.  Mr. McPherson stated that he had concerns with the easement and restrictions by Power Company.  A letter was present from the power company regarding the fill and the work that has been done in the easement.  The fill brought in to date is 10-15K cubic yards and the total fill will be 3500K cubic yards.  The topsoil is not to leave the site and drainage is not a concern.  A motion to grant the fill permit per the plan presented and the yardage as presented was made by Tom Morrison, seconded by Doug Allen, all in favor.

Daly / Barnes Rd / Realty Subdivision / Final
Dave Matthews was present in representation of Bob Sealy for this application.  This application is for subdivision only and due to the 300’ of road frontage the 4:1 length to width ratio does not apply.  Motion to grant a negative declaration on the SEQR was made by Doug Allen, seconded by Mert Bartels, all in favor.  A motion to grant subdivision approval based on the map was made by Doug Allen, seconded by Howard Jordan, all in favor.

Valentine / 2263 Quaker Rd / Realty Subdivision / Final
Mr. Valentine explained to the board that this subdivision would cut the second residence off of the main parcel that is for sale creating lot #2.  The two homes share a driveway and an easement and this is shown on the map.  Scott Allen warned the applicant that future development over four homes sharing this drive way would require a homeowners association.  A motion to grant negative declaration on the SEQR was made by Doug Allen, seconded by Mert Bartels, all in favor.  A motion to grant subdivision approval was made by Howard Jordan, seconded by Doug Allen, all in favor.

Frost / Barnes Rd / 1 Lot Subdivision and Site Plan / Preliminary and Final
Dave Matthews was present in representation of Bob Sealy for this application.  The MRB comments dated June 8, 2001 were addressed.  The Wayne County Planning Board gave recommendation for approval on June 28, 2001.  A motion to grant negative declaration on the SEQR was made by Doug Allen, seconded by Mert Bartels, all in favor.  A motion to grant preliminary and final approval subject to the MRB comments was made by Doug Allen, seconded by Mert Bartels, all in favor.


Bushart / Daansen Rd / 1 Lot Site Plan / Sketch
Newt Gowdy was present in representation of this application.  The Wayne County Planning Board recommended denial of this application on June 28, 2001.  Newt addressed most of the MRB comments.  The drainage easement is tapered because of storm drainage detention.  Newt stated that he would supply water calculations and address all other items in a letter of response.  A public hearing will be held on this application in August.  A motion to grant sketch plan approval was made by Tom Morrison, seconded by Howard Jordan, all in favor.

Valentine / Creek Rd / 1 Lot Site Plan / Sketch
Dave Matthews was present to address the board.  This site plan is for a parcel approximately 13-½ acres.  Dave stated that all comments from MRB dated July 2, 2001 would be addressed and complied with.  The home will have an on-site sewage treatment system and no there are no concerns with the wetlands.  Natural drainage to the pond will occur.  A motion to grant sketch plan approval was made by Doug Allen, seconded by Mert Bartels, all in favor.

Everdyke / Lawrence Rd / 1 Lot Site Plan / Sketch
Dave Matthews was present to address the board.  This parcel is approximately 44 acres and perk tests are good.  No creeks or drainage issues are a concern for this site plan.  The MRB comments in a memo dated July 2, 2001 will be addressed.  A motion to grant sketch plan approval was made by Mert Bartels, seconded by Tom Morrison, all in favor.

Fleischer’s Bagels / 1688 North Wayneport Rd / 1 Lot Site Plan for Addition / Sketch
It was stated that no height restrictions were placed on accessory buildings in the ORM district according to Town Code.  This application proposed an addition of 55,000 square feet and will utilize the existing utilities.  The addition of two new silos 85’ in height and four new docks are proposed.  The largest number of employees on a shift is 60 people.  The road behind the building is to be relocated and 87 parking places will be added and 7 additional spaces will be land banked.  This addition will no interfere with the power line easement and an additional 5 acres will be purchased to meet the building to lot ratio.  The MRB comments dated July 3, 2001 will be addressed.  Landscaping is proposed to screen around the silo unload area.  Mario stated that a code review should be done for fire access around the building.  It was stated that the building would be fully sprinkled with an 8” main.  Concerns were truck traffic and circulation through the parking area.  A motion to grant sketch plan approval was made by Howard Jordan, seconded by Doug Allen, all in favor.

Baldwin Richardson Foods / 3268 Blue Heron View / 1 Lot Site Plan for Addition / Sketch
The Wayne County Planning Board recommended denial of this application on June 28, 2001.  The MRB comments were addressed.  DEC has been contacted and the applicant will apply for a permit with them for the encroachment on the buffer of the wetlands.  The applicant will request curb cuts from Wayne County and Walworth has been notified of this application.  Issues for this application include the building set back.  The setback according to the NYS Building Code is 50’.  This will be verified.  Also the curb cut approval from Wayne County needs to be obtained.  Mario will look into the setback issue with the state.  The applicant stated that they were in the process of separating the sanitary and the process waste.  A motion to grant sketch plan approval contingent on the approval of the second road cut by the county and the verification of the 50’ setback requirement was made by Tom Morrison, seconded by Doug Allen, Tom Ferreri abstained from voting, everyone else was in favor.


Art Parts Signs – Prudential Macedon Realty / Macedon Commons / Area Variance – Sections 135-191-c and 135-191-c-3 / would like to place three signs on the building due to the location
Andy Ransco of Art Parts Signs was present to address the board.  A discussion was held on the number of signs, three versus the two allowed.  The planning board will ultimately grant approval for these signs due to the multipurpose of the building.  Andy explained that the signs are to be 30” in diameter at the logo with 15” tall lettering extending approximately 10’ in length.  The letters will be channel-mounted letters that are to be blue during the day and white at night.  The board comments were:  Howard would rather see two signs but three is alright, Tom Ferreri has no concerns with the three signs, Tom Morrison has no concerns with the three signs, Doug Allen has no concerns with the three signs, and Mert Bartels would like to see only two signs.


Kemp / 2168 Canandaigua Road / Small Business
Section 135-182 relating to small business restrictions and regulations was reviewed.  The planning board makes a positive recommendation for this application.  As a start-up business the planning board feels it is not necessary to provide buffering and additional off street parking.  The driveway location and traffic should be reviewed annually for impacts.  Sight distance needs to be maintained as traffic increases.  All conditions shall be reviewed on an annul basis.  A motion to grant the above referral was made by Tom Ferreri, seconded by Doug Allen, all in favor.

Meeting adjourned at 9:56pm

Minutes taken by Tom Ferreri, typed by Jennifer Habecker